Charter Day Celebrations 2019


24th November 2019


11:00 AM to 03:00 PM


Koramangala Club



Special Guests:

  • 1. Rtr. Raj Vamshi - RBW
  • 2. Rtr. Arun Teja - RBE
  • 3. Rtr. Atharva - RBE
  • 4. Rtr. Chandramuthu - RBE

Flow of activities - 11.30 AM - 3.00 PM

▪ The day started with 7th GBM of which Rtr. Raj Vamshi (DRRe) was a part of. We had a very interactive discussion with the DRRE and exchanged ideas.🧠🙇🏼

▪ The avenue directors updated about the various activities planned for Dec 2019. 👩🏻‍🏫

▪ The Club By Laws were Explained and new Amendments were proposed by the members. A paper ballet system was used to pass the same. 📜📑

▪ Two Prospective members had completed their criteria & were inducted by DJS Rtr. Arun Teja. 🤝🤝

▪ Brief insights on club history was shared. It also helped directors plan a couple of projects from past. 📊📈

▪ Much awaited Cake Cutting and the Star Rotaractor's recognition. 🎂🍰🌟

▪ Since it was Rtr. Shubham's officially last Rotaract event, he gifted customized Rotaract Dairy to all Club members. 📓

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