SANGAM - Rotafest


9th, 10th February 2018







Club Attendees:

Rtr. Ravi, Rtr. Sunil, Rtr. Bharath, Rtr. Rachel, Rtr. Shubham, Rtr. Gopal, Rtr. Sanjay, Rtr. Santhosh, Rtr. Charan, Rtr. Ganesh, Rtr. Anjum, Rtr. Lavina, Rtr. Kailash, Rtr. Nishantha, Rtr. Pooja, Rtr. Sid, Rtr. Keerthana, Rtr. Dikhsha, Rtr. Likhitha. Rtr,. Tejas

Flow of Activities

~ Sangam - Rotafest 2018 was conducted by RI District 3190 . It was two days event. First day for Government highschool students and second day for Rotaractors and Non- Rotaractors’.

~ Day 1 - There were 29 highschool students from APS School (Class 8th & 9th) were participated in various activities.

~ 1. Group Song - 6 Students were participated.

~ 2. Drama - 9 Students – In top 4 finalist in Drama

~ 3. Face painting- 2 students

~ 4. Fancy Dress - 1 student – 1st prize

~ 5. Mono acting - 1 student – 2nd Prize

~ 6. Group Dance - 8 students

~ 7. Quiz - 2 students

~ 8. Drawing - 1 Student - 1st prize won by Student Minakshi.

~ Overall we earned 50 points and we are the Runner Up team.

~ Day 2 Sangam

~ 1. Group Dance - Led by Sid & Pooja

~ 2. Singing competition- Rtr. Tejas, Javeed, Prafulla

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