10 Rotaractors across RID 3190
~ Event description by the organisors says it all – “unwraaaap your precious nostalgic memories of friendship with a superofantomarvelofaboluxoexcellento event”.
~ Rotaractors who expressed their Rotaract friendship with a Rotaract story and pic were –
1. Rtr Anurag (RCK) for Rtr. Naveen Senna (DRR)
2. Rtr. Priyanka(RID 3141) for Rtr. Debanshee(RCK)
3. Rtr. Afifa (RCK) for Rtr. Anjali
4. Rtr. Shubham (RCK) for Rtr. Bharath (RCK)
5. Rtr. Bharath (RCK) for Rtr. Rachel (RCK)
6. Rtr. Siddque (RCBanashankari) for Rtr. Apoorva
7. Rtr. Rachel (RCK) for Rtr. Nishantha (RCK)
8. Rtr. Nishantha (RCK) for Rtr. Namratha (RCK)
9. Rtr. Ravi Kumar (RCK) for Rtr. Sunil (RCK)
10. Rtr. Navya (RC SSMRV) for Rtr. Siddque